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  © 2001-2022
  OkNo Gallery
  Chelyabinsk, Russia



At the beginning of the road

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(Not-for-profit) Contemporary Art Gallery "OkNo" was opened on March 21, 2001, within the framework of project of the same name supported by Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation) (it has been recognized as an undesirable organization in Russia since 2015).

The gallery is engaged in:
-- exhibiting works of contemporary art (all forms of alternative art);
-- implementing Internet, landart, musical, and theatrical projects;
-- carrying out psychological and sociological researches on the effect of modern art upon man's life, in Chelyabinsk in particular;
-- publishing activities (posters, booklets, catalogs for the gallery's projects);
-- participating in biennials, conferences, seminars;
-- cooperating on joint projects with contemporary art centers and galleries of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Nizhni Taghil, Kaliningrad, Czech Republic, Germany, Canada.

The main efforts are aimed at the actualization of the art processes in Chelyabinsk, at overcoming the isolation from the world culture, and incorporating the art of Chelyabinsk into the context of the art of today's Russia and West.

C o n t a c t s :
Svetlana Shlyapnikova, art director
Dmitry Latukhin, director

e-mail: info@oknogallery.ru
web site: www.oknogallery.ru
phone: +7 (351) 267-9282

L o c a t i o n:
79A, Sonya Krivaya Str., Chelyabinsk, Russia

P o s t   a d d r e s s :
Dmitry Latukhin
76, Lenin prospekt
South Ural State University, OGST
Chelyabinsk 454080, Russia